The following table shows for each cOAlition S Organisation:

  • The date their Plan S-aligned Open Access policy will apply from
  • What their Plan S-aligned Open Access policy will apply to

It also shows which funders are adopting the Rights Retention Strategy to support the implementation of their Plan S-aligned OA policy from 1/1/2021. These funders are designated as “early adopters”. Other funders, who plan to update their grant conditions at a later date, are categorised as “adoption to follow”.

cOAlition S organisation (funder)Launch date for implementing  Plan S-aligned OA policyApplication of Plan S principles Rights Retention Strategy Support the payment of fair and reasonable APCs in Transformative Journals
Academy of Finland (AKA)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021Adoption to followYes
Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP)1st January 2022All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2022AdoptedYes
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)1st January 2021All new grants awarded after 1/1/2021AdoptedYes, but only when the journal is part of a Transformative Agreement
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
European Commission
(Horizon Europe Framework Programme)
1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021The EC policy – as per the Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement – includes a prior obligation for its beneficiaries which is aligned with the Rights Retention StrategyNo
Formas (Sweden)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
FORTE (Sweden)1st January 2021All new grants awarded after 1/1/2021AdoptedNo
Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT)7th February 2025All new funding calls with closing deadline after 7/2/2025AdoptedNo
French National Research Agency (ANR)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after the publication of the ANR action plan in 2021AdoptedYes
Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST, Jordan)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021Adoption to followN/A
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)1st January 2022Research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2022AdoptedYes
Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) – Australia20th September 2022For all new grants awarded under NHMRC Grant Opportunity Guidelines issued from 20 September 2022: immediately. For all other NHMRC grants from 1/1/2024YesYes
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN, Italy)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021Adoption to followYes
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC, Zambia)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021Adoption to followN/A
National Science Centre, Poland (NCN)1st January 2021All new grants awarded after 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021AdoptedNo
Québec Research Funds (QRF)/ Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ)22 June 2022New competitions launched from 1/7/2022NoYes
Research Council of Norway (RCN)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS)1st January 2021Adoption to followAdoption to followYes
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1st January 2023All new grants applied for after 1/1/2023AdoptedNo
Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF)1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021Adoption to followYes
United Kingdom Research & Innovation (UKRI)1 April 2022All research articles submitted for publication from 1/4/2022Authors are required to assert licensing and immediate OA at submission when using Route 2 of the UKRI policy, this aligns with the Rights Retention StrategyYes. UKRI, however, does so only when a transformative journal meets the criteria set out by Jisc, on behalf of the UK research and higher education sector. 
Vinnova (Sweden)1st January 2021All new funding calls opened after 1/1/2021Adoption to followN/A
Wellcome1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021AdoptedYes
World Health Organization (WHO)1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021In view of WHO’s legal status as an intergovernmental organization, the RRS is not applicable for the research it supports. WHO’s OA policy is fully aligned with Plan S.Yes
Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)1st January 2021All research articles submitted for publication from 1/1/2021TDR is under WHO’s responsibility. In view of WHO’s legal status as an intergovernmental organization, the RRS is not applicable for the research it supports. WHO’s OA policy is fully aligned with Plan S.Yes
Page last updated: 10 February 2025