What/who is cOAlition S?
Why has cOAlition S developed Plan S?
How does my organisation join cOAlition S?
I’m not a funder but I’d like to support Plan S. How can I do that?
Will Plan S requirements vary from funder to funder within cOAlition S?
What types of works fall under Plan S?
Who is cOAlition S consulting about the effects of Plan S and future plans?
How do I ask a question of cOAlition S about Plan S?
Will more funders join cOAlition S?
What are the three open access options permitted by cOAlition S?
Have the original Plan S guidelines been amended?
Does cOAlition S only support OA by paying APCs?
Does cOAlition S permit OA via repositories?
Which is cOAlition S’ preferred option for OA?